Hajime Koto / 厚東 創 

Executive Chef
Executive Creative Director 

Born in Hokkaido, Japan,
The infinite possibilities of food,
He was fascinated by the infinite possibilities of food and the world of gastronomy, and entered the world of French cuisine.
At the age of 29, he became the youngest chef in the Japanese French culinary world to be awarded two Michelin stars.
This was the beginning of his relationship with Maison brands around the world.
As an haute couture maison, we give shape to the requests of each maison.
As an haute couture maison, we will give shape to the requests of each maison.
HAJIME KOTO was established in 2017.
We produce the entire meal with food, design, branding, and team building for each concept.
He produces the entire dining experience.
In recent years, he has been utilizing his ability to produce from a creator’s point of view,
and other creators to expand the field of creation and work in a variety of creative fields.
and other creative fields with chefs and other creators, and
In addition
In recent years, he has been expanding the field of creation with chefs and other creators, utilizing his ability to produce from the creator’s point of view, and has been involved in various creative fields.
We believe that increasing the value of our creators will lead to a cycle of prosperity.
We believe that by increasing the value of our creators, we can create more good things in the world and enrich it.


Shui Ishizaka / 石坂 秀威



Born and raised in Australia, Shui Ishizaka is our culinary virtuoso whose innovative approach to seaweed transforms the ocean’s produce into gastronomic masterpieces. His journey to and at Sea Vegetable passes through some of the culinary world’s prestigious kitchens including Tokyo’s two-Michelin-starred restaurant INUA and three-Michelin-starred noma’s popup restaurant in Kyoto.
Ishizaka’s philosophy revolves around the narrative of each dish, where the ‘why’ becomes as important as the ‘what’. His work embodies a deep respect for the ingredients’ origins, pairing the known with the unknown. He is a chef who not only envisions a seat for seaweed at the global dining table but also crafts each dish as an invitation to explore, taste, and appreciate the unseen wonders of our oceans.
シドニー出身。オーストラリアの U30 の料理コンテストで優勝後、2018年東京にオープンしてからわずか1年で2つ星を獲得した『INUA』でスーシェフとして料理開発を担当。その後、シーベジタブルと出会い、自らも海に潜りリサーチしているうちに、”食べる”という視点で海藻の魅力を引き出してみたいと思い、仲間に加わる。

Yusaku Shibata / 柴田 勇作


Chef Pâtissier

He has also been active in various international competitions, including winning the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie 2023, a world pastry competition held every two years with the participation of teams from about 20 countries around the world, as the Japanese representative team.
While searching for ingredients for his creation at the international pastry competition “Top of Patissier in Asia 2019,” he came across Kito Yuzu from Kito, Tokushima, and won the top prize in his category at the competition for a bonbon chocolate made with Kito Yuzu, which has a rich flavor and aroma. This led him to be fascinated by the wonderfulness of Kito Yuzu and the history, climate, and ingredients of Tokushima, and he began working to revitalize the region through sweets. He will move to Tokushima in April 2022 and open his own shop, “PRISM LAB,” in Tokushima in 2024.
パティシエの国際大会「トップ・オブ・パティシエ・イン・アジア2019」の作品の素材を探す中で、徳島・木頭産の木頭ゆずに出会い、豊かな風味と香りを持つ木頭ゆずを使用したボンボンショコラで、同大会の部門最優秀賞を受賞。これを契機に、木頭ゆずの素晴らしさや徳島が持つ歴史・風土・素材に魅せられ、お菓子を通して地域創生に関わる活動を開始。2022年4月に徳島に移住し、2024年自身のお店「PRISM LAB」を徳島にオープン。

Kosuke Nakaoka / 中岡 宏介

Bon. nu


He trained at three-star restaurants in France, including “Les Prés d’Eugénie – Michel Guérard” and “BEIGE Alain Ducasse TOKYO” in Tokyo, and in 2022 he became the chef of “” in Tokyo, where he is actively involved in product development as well as domestic and international events and menu supervision.
His belief is to hone the skills to make the most of ingredients rather than relying on them, and his goal is to increase the value of chefs by improving their unique skills.
フランス3つ星レストラン「Les Prés d’Eugénie – Michel Guérard」、東京「BEIGE Alain Ducasse TOKYO」などで修行、2022年より東京「」のシェフに就任し商品開発はもちろんのこと、国内外のイベント、メニュー監修などにも携わるなど精力的に活動している。

Yuta Kondo / 近藤 悠太



Influenced by his father, who ran a Western restaurant, he aspired to become a chef and trained at two-star restaurants “Guy Lassausaie” in Lyon, France, “Signature” and “DOMINIQUE BOUCHET TOKYO” in Tokyo. In 2023, he opened his own restaurant, “longtemps”, in Tokyo.
洋食店を営んでいた父の影響をうけ料理人の道を志し、フランス・リヨンの2つ星レストラン「Guy Lassausaie」、東京「Signature」、「DOMINIQUE BOUCHET TOKYO」などで修行。2023年東京に自身のお店、「longtemps」をオープン。

Hideyuki Dohi / 土肥 秀幸



He trained at two-star (then three-star) restaurants “Paul Bocuse” in Lyon, France, and “La Baie” in Osaka. In 2013, he was selected as sous chef at “La Maison de GRACIANI KOBE KITANO” in Hyogo, and became the chef of the same restaurant in 2018.
フランス・リヨンの2つ星(当時3つ星)レストラン「Paul Bocuse」大阪「La Baie」などで修行。2013年兵庫「La Maison de GRACIANI KOBE KITANO」のスーシェフに抜擢され、2018年より同店のシェフに就任。

Kentaro Koyama / 小山 健太郎



He spent about five years training in France, working at the three-star restaurant “Maison Lameloise” and the two-star restaurant “Sa.Qua.Na”. He will take up the post of chef at “YASAKA” in Kyoto in 2023.
フランス3つ星レストラン「Maison Lameloise」、2つ星レストラン「Sa.Qua.Na」などフランスで約5年修行。2023年より京都「YASAKA」のシェフに就任。

Kohei Yamamoto / 山本 晃平


He has competed in many competitions, including winning a gold medal in the restaurant service category at the 27th Skills Grand Prix, and has also been involved as a judge in the management of the National Restaurant Service Competition, contributing to the improvement of service skills and abilities.

Shunsuke Kada / 加田 俊介

La Rêve


He trained at the three-star restaurant “Le Meurice Alain Ducasse” in Paris and “PAILLON” in Paris. In 2019, he opened his own restaurant “La Rêve” in Tokyo.
フランス・パリ3つ星レストラン「Le Meurice Alain Ducasse」、パリ「PAILLON」で修⾏。2019年東京に自身のお店「La Rêve」をオープン。

Kazuya Sugiura / 杉浦 和哉



He trained at “Auberge de Glazicks” in Brittany, France and “Sola” in Paris, etc. In 2014, he became the chef at “MARKT” in Tokyo, and in 2018, he became the owner chef under the new restaurant name “naturam”.
フランス・ブルターニュ「Auberge de Glazicks」、パリ「Sola」などで修⾏。2014年東京「MARKT」のシェフに就任し、2018年より店名を新たに「naturam」にしオーナーシェフへ。

Shotaro Shirai / 白井 正太郎



He trained at the two-star (then three-star) restaurant “Paul Bocuse” in Lyon, France, and opened his own restaurant “TARO” in Chiba in 2023.
フランス・リヨンの2つ星(当時3つ星)レストラン「Paul Bocuse」などで修行。2023年千葉に自身のお店「TARO」をオープン。

Masakatsu Yatabe / 矢田部 匡且

The Tokyo EDITION Toranomon

Head Sommelier

After working as a sommelier at “Jean-Georges Tokyo” and chef sommelier at “PIERRE GAGNAIRE TOKYO”, he became head sommelier at “The Tokyo EDITION Toranomon” in 2020.
東京「Jean-Georges Tokyo」にてソムリエ、「PIERRE GAGNAIRE TOKYO」シェフソムリエを経て、2020年より「The Tokyo EDITION Toranomon」のヘッドソムリエに就任。

Kenichiro Sasakura / 笹倉 健一郎


Manager / Chef Sommlier

After working at Michelin-star restaurants such as “BEIGE Alain Ducasse TOKYO,” “L’Embellir,” and “DOMINIQUE BOUCHET TOKYO,” he became manager and chef sommelier at “ALLIE” in Tokyo in 2016.
東京「BEIGE Alain Ducasse TOKYO」、「L’Embellir」、「DOMINIQUE BOUCHET TOKYO」などの星付きレストランを経て、2016年より東京「ALLIE」のマネージャー兼シェフソムリエに就任。

Yoko Ogata / 緒方 洋子


Chef Pâtissier

She has worked at restaurants owned by Alain Ducasse and Joel Robuchon in Japan and the United States, and in 2019 she was appointed chef patissier at LE JARDINIER in New York, USA, and in 2021 he was appointed chef patissier at Le PAVILLON.
日本やアメリカのアラン・デュカス⽒やジョエルロブション⽒のレストランで働き、2019年アメリカニューヨーク「LE JARDINIER」のシェフパティシエ、2021年より「Le PAVILLON」のシェフパティシエに就任。

Michelangelo Mammoliti

La Rei Natura by Michelangelo Mammoliti **


He is the chef at the two-star Michelin restaurant “La Rei Natura” in Italy, where he entertains guests from all over the world with dishes themed around “nature,” “memory,” and “instinct.”
イタリアにあるミシュラン2つ星レストラン、「La Rei Natura」のシェフをつとめ、「自然」、「記憶」、「本能」をテーマに世界中から集まるゲストを楽しませている。


He trained at renowned establishments such as the one-star French restaurant “La Poularde” and “Michel Bras Toya Japon” in Hokkaido before venturing out on his own. Since becoming independent, he has expanded his work beyond cooking, offering support to creators in various forms, tailored to their needs.
フランスの1つ星レストラン「la Poularde」、北海道「Michel Bras Toya Japon」などで修行し、独立。独立後は料理に限らずクリエーター達から求められるサポート業務を形を問わず行っている。

Sweets Creator