22 Jul 2024
With a concept centered around a “global test kitchen,” still rare in Japan, Atelier KOTO brings together culinary experts from around the world, including the HAJIME KOTO team.
We have always pursued and envisioned our dreams—
To unite creative talents from diverse fields into one cohesive team with a shared goal.
To express an authentic world of gastronomy that has never before existed in Japan.
Atelier KOTO was created to bring this dream to life.
It is designed to be a kitchen that unlocks infinite possibilities, enabling chefs to deliver their very best performances.
HAJIME KOTOチームをはじめとした世界で活躍する調理のエキスパートが集う、日本ではまだ珍しい「世界的なテストキッチン」がコンセプト。
アトリエ KOTOはその夢を実現するために生まれた、